Music to Cleanse House of Negative Energies…

Simple Calm and Pure music of Tibetan Singing Bowls to Clear the house of negative energies. The bowls used are tuned to 417 Hz – a Solfeggio frequency to wipe out the bad energy around. This music can even be used while meditating.

via Meditative Mind

If You would like to read more about how to cleanse your house of the negative energies, here is the complete blog post.

Sacral Chakra Sleep Music & Affirmations before you hit the bed!!

Here is the soothing but very effective track for sacral chakra healing.

As you lie in bed, ready to sleep, just remember these sacral charka affirmations as you drift to sleep.

– I feel complete peace in myself
– My emotions are balanced
– I am in touch with my sexuality and I express it in healthy ways
– I am comfortable in my body.
– I am radiant, passionate and creative being.
– I am in touch with my feelings and emotions.

Please also add your own affirmations in the comments below. It really helps others in the community. 

To effectively use this chakra sleep meditation music, we recommend that you play it at a low volume (close to human whisper) in the background on speakers,while you sleep . Do not eat heavy meal before going to bed, and as you lay in the bed, ready to sleep… start focusing on the your breathing and as you become more relaxed, take your attention to Sacral Chakra location below the navel Imagine a bright orange sphere floating … full of energy there. As you inhale the sphere expands and as you exhale it spreads this orange energy through out your body and slowly drift into sleep. The screen will automatically turn black in few mins.

When you wake up, rub your palms together and keep them on your eyes, soak all this energy, smile and welcome the new day with renewed energy.

How this music works? This music has been designed using notes with frequencies that resonate with sacral chakra. This works on principle of resonation where in the sacral chakra starts to vibrates with the same frequency. This helps in expelling the blockages that may restrict the energy flow through the sacral chakra. It might require more than a couple of nights to unblock the sacral chakra along with practising 20-30 mins of meditation on sacral chakra to effectively restore the energy flow.

Want to know in depth about healing sacral chakra? Read More Here

Need help on how to meditate for Sacral Chakra Balancing and Healing ? Here is a Guided Meditation

Does Chanting work better for you. Here is Sacral Chakra Seed Mantra Chanting Meditation 

Our Entire Playlist on Sacral Chakra (Swaddhishthana) Meditation and Chants is here

Feeling fatigued, anxious and low in energy? It may be due to imbalance in your Root Chakra.

Its all about balancing our energies, within. The vibrations that we are producing. Getting in touch with those chakras and removing the energy blocks can not only help with some of the physical problems that we experience but also the emotional ones. And as we start to change inside, as we start to produce more positive vibes, we slowly start to see the shift in our world outside… We raise the positivity of our planet….

This sleep music is designed to help you balance Root Chakra. Balancing this energy center can be helpful with lower back pains, and also start to calm over anxious mind… Do you worry unnecessarily? you may want to start chakra meditation, and start with this fundamental energy centre.. the root chakra.. and see the difference in the attitude. If you feel lethargic, low in energy.. these all are signs of root chakra imbalance… Please read the video description to understand how to use this music.


We hope that with this music, we raise help spread the positive vibes… and collectively raise our personal energy and also the energy of our planet.

#Meditation #Chakras #sleepmusic #HealingMusic